Week 7

For the final week of individual work,  we learned how to use cinemachines and post processing effects.
A cinemachine is effectively a more advanced form of a camera, which can track the player's movement more effectively, rather than have it be at a fixed position. This also allows the camera to follow the player in both a third-person or first-person perspective. The camera can also use a "dolly path" to move the camera along a customised path, allowing the camera to make more sweeping, dynamic movements. These paths are created by placing nodes on the object that the player is moving along.

Post processing effects are ways for the camera to have visual affects applied to it during the game. These effects can range from colour filters, to lens distortion and film grain effects. 

For my game, I chose to do a third person camera for my primary view, as not only was sticking to a solely first-person view slightly glitchy, but I also wanted to emphasise the first person dolly track effect. In addition, I figured that having a third person view would make the twisting landscape more manageable to traverse.  The dolly cam was used not only for its visual effects, but for the added challenge of having to traverse the side of the building

As for the post processing effects, I decided to use a vignette, primarily to give a nice effect to the screen, as well as an area-triggering blackout effect, which I positioned near the moving obstacle in order to mess up the timing and to add a further challenge for the player. 

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